council for children's expanded physical education

about us

The Council was organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, and for promoting quality physical education through quality presentations. Activities for the Council are coordinated by a Board of Directors representing elementary, middle, and university physical educators. The council has no formal membership procedure.


our board

current board

Jake Gerig

Meg Greiner

Brittany Hollingsworth
Kris Rold
Matt Rold

Karmen Tessier
Gay Timken
Heidi Wegis
Tonia Wubbena
Craig Zetterberg


past board

Kari Anderson

Barbara Cusimano

Randy Denley
Emily Foster

Forrest Hall
Karyn Hartinger
Ed Langsdorf

Jeff McNamee

Kim Modrall
Richard Shaw

Don Zehrung


charter board of directors

Kari Andersen
Cheryl Close
Carol Hammett
Bill Klug
Jo Lynne Roberts
George Rochat
Ron Speck